More than a Snapshot

We are all more than snapshots in time Unless we really make the effort to get to know someone and be a witness to what they have experienced in this life then we can’t really know what it’s like to be them and all that has gone into getting to the point where they are…

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Co Create

To co-create and nurture the horse’s capacity for healthy self-carriage and awareness we must also cultivate this capacity within ourselves so that we can move together in a partnership based on reciprocity! ∞ Lauren Harmon

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Amplify the Awesome

In supporting a being to have enhanced wellness it is easy for our minds to get fixated and focus on what feels “bad” or isn’t perceived as ideal, especially within one’s body. And that has the possibility of creating some change and new awareness. As an alternative, what if we felt into the whole being…

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Curiosity There are infinite ways to facilitate ease and wellness within you and your horse that honors the gentle way of being horse and human. To aid your journey be curious Curiosity is where the magic happens because you can listen and perceive from an expansive and love filled place. Curiosity keeps us in a…

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Ride in Harmony Workshop at Medicine Horse

What a spectacular day for the Ride In Harmony workshop. Each participant and horse showed so much courage in their exploration of enhancing their connection and ability to perceive from their heart space. Thank you to all of you and to the amazing Sarah Virginia Barnes for co teaching with me. 🐎💜🐎🌻🐎 #instillharmony #embodyyourbrilliance #embodiedequine#embodiedequestrian #anamcara @ Medicine Horse Program

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A Tree for the Holidays

So you want to get a tree for the holidays… here are some ways to go about it that are sustainable and help nature! There are certain areas of the local forest where you can get permits to cut down a tree and in doing so you help you keep the forest healthy by reducing…

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