Capacity for change

Every time I get to share time with a horse or human I just love getting to witness how much capacity they have to move towards ease. So much can change in such a short time. There’s a half hour between these two photos (top=before, bottom=after). This horse is just amazing and it was such…

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Be an Embodied Equestrian®

Embodiment is an expression of energy and awareness within that connects us to our physical experience! As an embodied equestrian our intention is to have a deep connection with ourselves and our horses! To have a relationship that is based on reciprocity for one another. To be able to show up as our whole congruent…

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New Online Courses!

Hawkeye and I have a HUGE Announcement!  New Website and Online Learning Opportunities! Hey Beautiful People, It is with immense excitement that I announce a new online education space for equestrians called the Embodied Equestrian® Library. This online resource is my offering to the equestrian community to be a place of support, safety and love…

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What does being an Equestrian mean to you?

What does being an equestrian mean to you? Not all people who love horses are riders, but we are all equestrians! When I was a kid I would have said, anyone that loves horses but if you had asked me in 2008, my answer would have been very different. I was putting a lot of…

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Curiosity Level

What’s your curiosity level at these days? What does it feel like in your body to be curious? Are you checking up on your people? Have you made a connection with another being recently? Are you making assumptions about those around you and in the world based on what you see on social media? Or…

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Super excited for this Duo and the amazing progress they have made together! Way to go Tricycle!!!! Repost from Stacy Whitton #tricyclethebigpony had his second session with the amazing Lauren Harmon of Instill Harmony today and all 3 of us are pretty darn happy with his progress! Trike loves Lauren! Her hands, her eyes and…

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Spring time

Spring is on its way if you are in the northern hemisphere so it’s time to take a moment and intentionally recognize what seeds you are currently planting in your life right now in this season. What aspects of your life are you wanting to nourish and cultivate? There’s so much potential energy available in…

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Floating Spine

For horse and human our intention is to allow the spine to embody a sense of floating buoyantly in a sea suspended between all the limbs and the TMJs

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