What does being an Equestrian mean to you?

What does being an equestrian mean to you?
Not all people who love horses are riders, but we are all equestrians!
When I was a kid I would have said, anyone that loves horses but if you had asked me in 2008, my answer would have been very different. I was putting a lot of pressure on myself. My version of that definition would have been someone who competes with their horse and strives to ride at the top level of competition and if I couldn’t do that, I wasn’t really an equestrian.
If I wasn’t able to be perfect and “my best” then I shouldn’t ride at all. Well one fateful night my life changed as I knew it and I woke up the next morning. Barely able to walk let alone ride. So much of my identity was tied to being able to ride in a certain way. I didn’t know who I was without being able to ride a horse well and at a high level of competition. It was like part of me disappeared overnight. And what was I supposed to do now?
I was stuck in this narrow mindset of comparison to my past abilities and trajectory. I tried for many years to get back to where I was, thinking that was the goal and if I couldn’t do that, being around the horses was just a reminder of failure. My self-worth was being seriously challenged.
After lots of help, self-reflection and love I learned that none of those beliefs are true for me and I found my way back to remembering that it was purely the company of horses and if I could ride, awesome. The best part is I found out that I love the way I am with the horses more now than I ever did When as showing. I understand and feel things on a deeper level. I was able to come back to the original feel and love for horses and I feel so much more in tune and connected to them.
Sometimes I still have that desire to be able to do things that I could do before, but that doesn’t make me any less capable of connecting with a horse and having a brilliant time. And even if I could go back to the way I was before, I wouldn’t choose to because my experience is so much richer.
I also believe that we can compete and still be in a beautiful relationship with the horses! It’s a both/and situation! We can honor both beings and enjoy the process! It is supposed to be fun!
So if you were to ask me now, my definition is any BODY who has love for horses is an equestrian!
Saddle Saddle Connection and WOW Saddles