Capacity for change

Every time I get to share time with a horse or human I just love getting to witness how much capacity they have to move towards ease. So much can change in such a short time. There’s a half hour between these two photos (top=before, bottom=after). This horse is just amazing and it was such…

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The Origins of the Embodied Equestrian® Library

I have loved horses from the moment I entered this life. My first sentence was “let’s go pet the ponies.” Horses have been my saviors in all seasons of my life and my intention is to do all that I can to help them have the best lives possible with their humans. In addition to…

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Aurora Equines

Always a pleasure getting to collaborate with Aurora Equines !!! She does such a beautiful job of helping the horses learn to feel safe and secure in who they are. This allows them to feel confident enough to rest. And this beautiful boy at the end of his session with me today wanted to finish…

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More than a Snapshot

We are all more than snapshots in time Unless we really make the effort to get to know someone and be a witness to what they have experienced in this life then we can’t really know what it’s like to be them and all that has gone into getting to the point where they are…

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Co Create

To co-create and nurture the horse’s capacity for healthy self-carriage and awareness we must also cultivate this capacity within ourselves so that we can move together in a partnership based on reciprocity! ∞ Lauren Harmon

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Simple joys

Life is filled with magical moments and simple joys. It’s not about feeling good 100% of the time. It’s about increasing our capacity to be with whatever shows up so that we can transmute it more easily, cultivating inner safety. It’s a sense of knowing that no matter what you can move throughout the world…

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Spring time

Spring is on its way if you are in the northern hemisphere so it’s time to take a moment and intentionally recognize what seeds you are currently planting in your life right now in this season. What aspects of your life are you wanting to nourish and cultivate? There’s so much potential energy available in…

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Floating Spine

For horse and human our intention is to allow the spine to embody a sense of floating buoyantly in a sea suspended between all the limbs and the TMJs

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