Body in Harmony is Celebrating its One Year Anniversary with Fit Chick Express
Body in Harmony is Celebrating its One Year Anniversary with Fit Chick Express
Body in Harmony is honored to be part of such an amazing community of women and wants to thank every member at Fit Chick Express for a spectacular year. I want to send out a special thanks to Angie Schumacher, the owner of Fit Chick Express, for inviting me to come join FCE. These women do inspiring things everyday and they always come out ready to take on the days challenges even when it is a struggle. The women of FCE are vivacious and vibrant and to be part of that is something to be cherished.
Many momentous events have happened in the past year through the support of FCE members. This includes the following.
The first annual fundraiser for the Race for the Cure was a great success and this year’s Team Body in Harmony is going to be even bigger than the last! We have set a goal of fundraising $3,000 for the cause. If you would like to join our team this year, go to this link!
This year we introduced Body Awareness Classes to help people find a better sense of their bodies and how to get more out of their workouts. For those that participated they found how using their feet differently could change how they harnessed their power in their workouts. These classes will continue to be offered at least once a month throughout the year. The classes are limited to small sizes in order to ensure better understanding.
To help people get a better sense of what Rolfing ® Structural Integration is Body In Harmony started offering sample sessions throughout the year. This will continue to happen at least once a month. Many people are fearful that Rolfing ® Structural Integration is painful and we want to show you that it doesn’t have to be.
Body in Harmony is excited to announce that this year there will be lots of exciting events as well as new additions to the practice. Some of these include a The Race for the Cure, Client Appreciation Lunch in October, Body Awareness Classes, Sample Rolfing Sessions, The Love Your Body Event, and much more. In the next year Body in Harmony will be adding Cranial Sacral for horses as well as Rolf Movement to the services provided!
Have a grand day and here is to a brilliant second year!
Lauren Harmon Certified Rolfer™
Certified Equine Structural Integration Practitioner
Rolfing ® Structural Integration Longmont and Fort Collins Colorado