Manol Mendez

I am so grateful I have had the opportunity to learn from Manolo Mendez. I highly recommend equestrians of all disciplines check out his offerings. Its dressage at its original intention and a foundation for healthy movement for all horses.
His way of being with the horses is something to behold. Watching him Dance with the horses up the levels in dressage restored my hope that we can help the horses accomplish a high level of exquisite movement without compromising the health of the horse! His intention is to help the horse thrive and last as long as possible. To do this without sacrificing the horse to reach a goal before they are ready!
Manolo and Jillian Kreinbring always give us a master class on how to help the horse move in a beautiful, organic and healthy way and I feel like the biggest theme for these three days with Manolo and Jillian was to meet every horse where they’re at with curiosity, love and kindness. Horses want to connect with you, they want to be celebrated and they are inherently kind. We have the possibility to amplify all those beautiful qualities that they naturally embody!
And how do we do this???
Keep it simple and ask the universe for support!
Listen and learn from the horse. They will show you what they love and where they need support.
Connect to your childlike wonder and joy of being with the horses.
Think like a horse and show them with our bodies asking/offering little by little so that they feel comfortable to give in return! Trying to never ask too much or take too much or the horse will go bankrupt and if they are nervous they will have nothing to give. If they get nervous don’t force them, try a different way!
Keep them supple in the body so they can stay supple in the mind, testing everything for them to see what inspires them. This keeps things dynamic, fluid and adaptable keeping the connection and line communication vibrant with the horse!
There isn’t just one way to do this. The possible ways are infinite because each horse is a unique being! Every time you connect with them is a new opportunity and conversation. Give the horse choices and notice where they are doing well and where they need support. Keep listening and they will show you.
And lastly remember nothing can replace your sense of FEEL, the connection through your hands and your whole being. You don’t need side reins or other mechanical tools. YOU are amazing and capable and have everything you need within you to help bring out the majesty of the horse!
We are forever a student and steward of the horse and what a wonderful thing that is!
Thank you Manolo for sharing your gift with the world?