What to Expect

What a session is like:

  • The sessions last at least 75 minutes. We will start off with doing some analysis looking at movement, structure, patterns, and how things have changed between each session. We will then do manual manipulation work on the table as well as seated work.  Along with the hands on work the client will participate in different movements to enhance the work. We will explore your breath, body awareness and movement.

What to wear:

  • You comfort is the most important thing
  • Women- Please wear a bra and underwear that you are comfortable in. If possible please avoid wearing sports bras unless they are spaghetti straps.
  • Men- boxer briefs are best or underwear that you are comfortable in
  • Running Shorts may be worn to increase comfort level
  • You will be covered with a sheet or blanket during the session so that you dont feel exposed

Lauren Harmon Certified Rolfer™
Certified Equine Structural Integration Practitioner
Rolfing ® Structural Integration Longmont and Fort Collins Colorado