You are whole

Amplify the Awesome! You are WHOLE and Perfect just the way you are! You are not something that needs to be fixed. Life is about being in a relationship with yourself, witnessing yourself, and facilitating an opportunity for you to find your own unique and beautiful way to amplify your well-being. No one is broken,…

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Be Kind to Yourself

Be kind to yourself and meet yourself where you are at. Some days that will feel easy and others less easy. Today that was less easy and then I got to hang out with a really great horse and that helped

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Co Create

To co-create and nurture the horse’s capacity for healthy self-carriage and awareness we must also cultivate this capacity within ourselves so that we can move together in a partnership based on reciprocity! ∞ Lauren Harmon

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A horse showed me during one of our sessions that the land around her was hurting and that she was trying to help it feel better. So, in the session we asked the land what it needed to feel whole and express its magic. It showed us that it needed us to ask it how…

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Curiosity There are infinite ways to facilitate ease and wellness within you and your horse that honors the gentle way of being horse and human. To aid your journey be curious Curiosity is where the magic happens because you can listen and perceive from an expansive and love filled place. Curiosity keeps us in a…

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