Instill Harmony – Somatic embodiment for horse and humans Horse Rolfer - Somatic Embodiment healing horses and humans together Thu, 11 Apr 2024 03:13:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Instill Harmony – Somatic embodiment for horse and humans 32 32 Connection Thu, 11 Apr 2024 03:10:38 +0000

 “An Abundance of connection is true wealth”
(Quote by @thosh.collins on the @darinolien Podcast #217)
The horses help us remember the potency of connection and the importance of cultivating this with them and with our human relations. Our capacity to heal in community is much greater than our capacity to heal alone because the love and heart energy is amplified. Sometimes being vulnerable with humans can sometimes feel like too much at first. So if you have a chance to be with a horse let them show you the way. Let their natural way of being in the world with an abundant heart inform your 💜.
📸 @cmanian
As a side note I highly recommend the book The seven Circles: indigenous teachings for living well🌈 by @chelsey.moves and @thosh.collins
Fascia Thu, 11 Apr 2024 03:08:48 +0000

To connect the whole being you need to speak to all the FASCIA not just myofascial. Myofascial if often used interchangeably with fascia but only refers to the fascia of the muscles. This is reductionist in thinking because it doesn’t include the rest of the fascia in the body! We are so much more than our muscles.
You are a whole being! You are not just pieces and parts. Speak to all of you!
Love Language Wed, 20 Mar 2024 14:15:05 +0000
✨ My LOVE language is reminding you of your MAGIC!!!✨
💜We are all magical creatures with unique gifts that we bring to this world. YOU are amazing just by being your unique self! The world needs you!💜
✨What are the gifts you embody and how do you celebrate and express your brilliance in your life? ✨
💜Let the magic that is you be fully allowed to show up! 💜
More than a Snapshot Wed, 20 Mar 2024 14:12:27 +0000
We are all more than snapshots in time 💓
Unless we really make the effort to get to know someone and be a witness to what they have experienced in this life then we can’t really know what it’s like to be them and all that has gone into getting to the point where they are now.
You may only see a snapshot of their life and when you do remember that there’s always a story to how they got to that point. That snapshot could be a momentous success for them and a point of progress on a non-linear pathway to something they’re striving towards.
So please be compassionate when you witness that snapshot because if it doesn’t match the ideal that you have in your head of what something is “supposed” to be like, it can be easy to go to the place of judgment and be hyper critical of that being’s journey.
Maybe instead approach the image with curiosity of wondering how they got to that point, what they’re going through in life and how can you learn more about them?
Who in your life do you want to get to know better so that you can really deepen your relationship and understand them from a place of wholeness not a snapshot?
Co Create Thu, 14 Mar 2024 23:12:30 +0000 To co-create and nurture the horse’s capacity for healthy self-carriage and awareness we must also cultivate this capacity within ourselves so that we can move together in a partnership based on reciprocity!

∞ Lauren Harmon

Simple joys Thu, 14 Mar 2024 23:09:32 +0000 Life is filled with magical moments and simple joys. It’s not about feeling good 100% of the time. It’s about increasing our capacity to be with whatever shows up so that we can transmute it more easily, cultivating inner safety. It’s a sense of knowing that no matter what you can move throughout the world and that your body is this amazing living conscious matrix that is always co-creating to keep you safe. It’s constantly reorganizing based on how you move throughout your day, the thoughts that you have, the emotions that you feel, nothing happens in isolation. So as we experience our day, we can optimize our experience by recognizing this interconnectedness and giving ourselves grace and compassion as we navigate being human💜💜💜

This beauty was waiting for me at the gate today when it was her turn for a session and it was just one of those moments that felt so special. A reminder that the simplest thing can have such a profound impact. A reminder that life can be magical.


Gratitude Thu, 14 Mar 2024 23:06:54 +0000 I am so grateful🙏 for this human and this moment in time💜

Who are you grateful for? When was the last time you told the humans in your life what you love about them? When you talk about the humans in your life do you share the joy they bring to you with others?

We need to remember that we’re on the same team. The team called humanity. And that humanity is not separate from nature. We are just one thread in the whole interconnected web. We need to stop tearing each other down physically energetically, metaphorically, etc. It’s time to remember that we are in this together. We can heal in and as a community🦋

Amplify the Awesome Thu, 14 Mar 2024 23:04:25 +0000 In supporting a being to have enhanced wellness it is easy for our minds to get fixated and focus on what feels “bad” or isn’t perceived as ideal, especially within one’s body. And that has the possibility of creating some change and new awareness. As an alternative, what if we felt into the whole being to understand what’s already awesome and let that inform the rest. Even if it’s just one cell. Witnessing and offering attention to that one cell could change everything by uplifting the vibration and resonance of the whole. Trusting the wisdom within and amplifying that energy so that it can be a North Star and have a ripple effect on the whole experience.

Amplify the Awesome 🌈🦋🙏🌀💜🐋

#amplifytheawesome #instillharmony #embodiedequestrian


Spring time Thu, 14 Mar 2024 22:59:10 +0000 Spring is on its way if you are in the northern hemisphere so it’s time to take a moment and intentionally recognize what seeds you are currently planting in your life right now in this season. What aspects of your life are you wanting to nourish and cultivate? There’s so much potential energy available in this season that would love to co-create with you. 🌀

Floating Spine Thu, 14 Mar 2024 22:50:40 +0000 For horse and human our intention is to allow the spine to embody a sense of floating buoyantly in a sea suspended between all the limbs and the TMJs
