Quote from Dr. Rolf about the Ten Series
“In Structural Integration, we expect to give a cycle of 10 sessions. There is a reason for this. We are not dealing with local problems. We are not dealing with the kind of thing that you can say, ‘Well, I fixed that, that’s all.’ We are dealing with an intent to make a body more secure, more adequate within the field of gravity. This requires that muscles be balanced, and need to be balanced around a vertical line. And when I talk about balancing muscles, I’m talking about balancing the right side against the left side. About balancing the front of the body against the back of the body and, finally, about balancing the innermost muscles against the outermost, the inside against the outside, this is the most important of these balances, and we start from the outside working in, and it takes ten hours before we can get to the place where we can really balance the outside against the inside.”
–Ida P. Rolf, Ph.D.
Quotes from Rolfing and Physical Reality by Ida P. Rolf Ph.D.
Lauren Gee Certified Rolfer™
Rolfing ® Structural Integration Longmont, Colorado
Rolfing ® Structural Integration Longmont, Colorado